Friday, June 6, 2008

Broken Wings

Written By: Victoria Bingham (Angel Joshua Bingham's big sister)

I have a little brother with a pair of broken wings.

We consider him a blessing

and trust what Jesus brings.

He's always so happy with a sparkle in his eyes.

but moves you to tears whenever he cries.

He teaches me patience and how to be kind,

but it's hard when others are laughing at the brother that's mine.

Ok he laughs, and crys and makes strange sounds,

but someday we hope he can run and junp around.

His love is unconditional, patient and kind,

His love is never ending and oh so hard to find .

Some see him differant from all the others.

but the way I see him, he's just my little brother.

If there's one thing that God can bring,

Is to answer my prayer and heal his broken wings

Cause when he gets to heaven, he'll need to fly,

and knowing he'ss get there safely, I'll be able to say goodbye.

But until then we thank God for his birth,

Because he's given us an angel right here on earth

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