Saturday, June 7, 2008

Here's my story of Angelman Syndrome
Joshua James Bingham was Heaven sent on January 22, 1996. When Josh arrived our family throught we had a healthy baby boy, but little did we know what was down the road. It wasn't to long before my mom knew something just wasn't right. She took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed as severly developmentally delayed but he would catch up. My mom still didn't settle for that. She continued to research, and get her hands on anything to try to figure out what was wrong with her child. After going to several doctors with still no answers she decieded to see a nuerologists. It wasn't until Josh was two that he was diagnosed with the rare gentic disorder Angelman Syndrome. We didn't know what to expect, or how to feel. We just knew that no matter what we would still love this child that God had brought into the world with a plan and a purpose. Now ten years later after being Diagnosed my family can say that Josh has truly touched our lives, and taught us how to love in ways we never knew how to before. He has taught us many more life lessons that we would have never learned before. Having a special child has allowd our family to become more sensitive to others, and be able to relate to other families like us. It hasn't always been an easy road for Josh or our Family. There has been many times that Josh has gone into ICU, leaving us with only hope that he would come back home. We have had some scares, but God is in control and has kept his hand in protection over Josh, allowing him to continue to bless the world everyday at a time with even the most simple things such as smiling. Josh is a determinated, and strong child who gives us courage and hope that no one else could. I am so thankful to have the oppurtunity to be blessed with such a special brother, and an angel right here on earth.

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